The identity of a man is something that needs to be chased with everything that you are. The Lord has called the man to be the head of the family, not to rule over but lead with the heart of God. As the head of the family it is important to have love, grace, humility, leadership, Godly authority and Godly confidence evident and active in your life.  Even if your a young man, this is good for you to learn now so that you become ready and able to lead your future family the way God has called you to lead.
The Men meet monthly for breakfast on the 3rd Sat. of the month.
There are also Men's gatherings throughout the year.

Men's Ministry Contact - 
Pastor John ONeal -609-267-7537

men and women's ministry

ministries of lifespring

On the 3rd Wednesday of each month we have a Women's Bible Study, during which we provide a time for women to come together to fellowship and receive insight from the Word of God. Pastor Christine gives opportunity during these times for women within the fellowship to use their gifts and will also invite outside speakers who enrich the lives of those who come. Our meeting is a wonderful time of fellowship with a very special group of women!

Women's Ministry Contact
 Pastor Christine McKeon @ 
(609) 387-4430/609-847-0564

The Marriage Ministry's mission is to equip couples on their marriage journey with biblical principles so that we glorify God, love, serve and respect each other. 
Your marriage does not need to be in a crisis to attend. 
This class is to encourage and to strengthen your foundation.
Beginning June 18th @ 7pm
Running for 10 weeks

For additional information please call  Pastor's Joe and Marie Artese
@ 1 908-907-6815.  

Marriage ministry

ministries of lifespring

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!
Isaiah 52:7

God has given us, as His people, a call to be His hands and feet in making His name known in the world we live in, whether that is in our community, our nation, or our world.
Our desire is to share the Gospel with those we serve. With this in mind, we focus on the areas we know God has called us to and will make the greatest impact for the Kingdom. 
Each year several adults take trips to serve in other nations.
Another part of our mission as a church is to serve our local community.
We plan several initiatives throughout the year that serve those in our area.

beautiful feet ministry

ministries of lifespring

2ND- 4TH Tuesdays a month
They are meetings of around six to ten people.
These groups meet together in different homes to enjoy God’s Word and to fellowship.
Community is deeply grounded in the nature of God.
It flows from who God is.
Our desire if for believers to engaged in life together through teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, miracles, radical generosity, and corporate worship. 

 life groups

ministries of lifespring

On the 1ST Tues of the month we meet corporately for prayer
where each member of His Body can pray for the Lord’s Heart
both locally and throughout the earth with praise, petitions and declarations!
You are welcome to join us - Meeting the FIRST Tuesday of month @ 7pm. 
 At home of Nancy Bennett

 prayer meetings

Regina Pascual

nancy bennett

pat bellan

Hearing the Lord is exciting. Hearing and releasing with authority what He tells you is life giving! Come as we pray and declare what the Lord is placing on our hearts. Declaring truth is a power weapon, one that every believer should be equipped with.

We have a prophetic time of prayer before our regular worship service on Sunday mornings from 9:30AM-10:00 AM. All are welcome and encouraged to participate during this time of prophetic prayer. We love connecting with Holy Spirit as we pray for our families, church, region and nation. 

prophetic intercession

ministries of lifespring

Anna Joy Langevin

Sheree Graham

Jeanette Vasquez

Annie Vasquez

Renee Oglesby

Project Freedom is a residential community that services the needs of physically and mentally challenged individuals. Most of these people are unable to attend regular church services.
The first Sunday of every month, LifeSpring  takes the church “on the road” to minister at Project Freedom. The church is instructed in Isaiah 58: vs7 which states “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter, when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not turn away from your own flesh and blood?” This is our goal, to be able to provide spiritual and natural food to those who are in need.
Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each Month at 10am for a time of Bible Study  from the Word of God. This time is used to minister one on one with the residents of Project Freedom.
We meet with the residents at the Hamilton Project Freedom
off Whitehorse Mercerville Road
 You will be blessed!!!!

project freedom

ministries of lifespring