monthly prayer focus

This is the month officially designated to celebrate and honor fathers.
 Nothing wrong with that, but kind of silly when you realize
that so much in our culture has been and is doing the exact opposite. 

So let's focus on these:

Prov. 20:7
"The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him."

Prov. 22:6
"Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Prov. 23:24
"The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who fathers a wise son will delight in him."

Such a responsibility!

 We thank God for each and every father....those who have fathered us naturally, or spiritually.

Lord, bless them; protect them; increase them; multiply that which they need to walk the road You have set before them. Help them to be a father to the fatherless. We decree 'You are turning the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers'.

And thank You, Abba, for being our perfect Father, our Daddy, our Jehovah Jireh, (our Provider), our Elohim Shomri (our Protector), our Jehovah Nissi (our refuge), and so much more.

We honor You, Father God, in Jesus's name

Honor thy Father