Welcome to the new Hebrew month of Shvat
Shvat 5785
This month is key to:
See our Foundations established in Righteousness
Become Firmly Rooted like a tree
Pleasure, Happiness, Delicious and Fatness
Receive Fresh Kingly oil
Develop a Plan for Sustaining the Generations
Allow God's Living waters to Flood & Awaken you
Be Aware of the Delicacies of the king
The Hebrew letter associated with this month is “Tzadik” which symbolizes “the Righteous One”
This month righteousness must become our foundation.
Psalm 11:3 says "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Declare that Righteousness WILL become the foundation of my Life, our region and our nation!
In Psalm 12:3 it says “A man will not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will not be moved" Who is our root? Jesus! Jehovah Tsidkenu.. the Lord Our Righteousness (Jer. 23:6 & Isaiah 11)
This month is considered like a new year for trees in Israel. Since God is highlighting tree’s this month lets go ahead and look at some biblically and see what they symbolize:
The Lord calls us to be a tree Ps 1 & Jer. 17:7
Psalm 52:8 “I am like a green olive tree thriving in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever.”
The Torah (the Word) is considered the Tree of Life
Almond trees are the first trees to blossom in Israel. Aaron's rod that blossomed was also from an almond tree. Aaron was the High Priest, so this tree is related to the priesthood.
Gentiles are grafted as wild olive branches, and some of the native branches were cut off due to unbelief. When we believe it is credited to us as Righteousness (Romans 11:17-19)
The Lord said we are to be “Oaks of Righteousness”
Did you know that the Olive tree is called the “King of trees” because it produces the oil that they use in Israel to anoint the new kings!?
Decree- Ps 52:8 over yourself: “I am like a green olive tree thriving in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever.”
Asher, the tribe associated with this month represents pleasure, happiness, delicious & fatness.
What are you finding pleasure in?
What does your spirit consider delicious?
In Genesis 49:20 Jacob blesses Asher and says “As for Asher, his food shall be rich and he will yield royal dainties." During this month, be aware of the delicacies of the king. (Daniel / Prov 23:3)
Choose this month to feast on the Promises of The Word
rather than the whims of the world!
Psalm 37:3 “Trust in the Lord, do good, dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness”
Who are you trusting in?
Where are you dwelling?
What is your spirit man feeding on?
Proverbs 3 starts out with “My son, do not forget My law…” and in verse 8 it says “THAT there may be healing to your flesh, and fatness to your bones.”
There are things that we do that can ADD fatness to our bones, and there are things that we can do that can DRY up our bones as well.
Let the Living waters of the Lord flood every dry and barren place in you this month! Take time to drink daily of His Living water.
Shevat is the month to develop a plan for sustaining the generations.
Look at your field and take inventory of what is planted there.
Who is planted in your field? Are the trees in your field ready to bear fruit?
Carefully consider how you make decisions this month.
Like the woman at the well.. who is bringing water to you?
If you are not being watered.
You may want to position yourself to be watered in a new way.
Decree that new roots of righteousness WILL be established and bear much fruit!
While we are speaking about roots.. let's not forget to come into agreement with Chuck Pierce's angelic "root ride" encounter in September of 2021 over King of Kings, the Deaconry and our region!
An Angel unlocked the ground 5 layers down and said “Get ready for a root ride!” Those roots were:
Captivity Breakout
Industrial Creative Remake
Divine Communication Acceleration
Freedom from Narrow Conformity and Solitaire
Divine Reversals Multiplied
Divine Gatherings to Break the power of night hag
Divine Release and Sending of Glory
All information in this Firstfruits Recap for the month of Iyar, whether a direct quote or paraphrase, has been taken from the book, “A Time to Advance,” by Chuck D. Pierce and Robert and Linda Heidler and “His Appointed Times,” by Christine Vales.